High Voltage Resistors With high Resistance
- 10000k
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd.'s RG series resistors are the right cross to Vishay's VR25, VR37, VR68 series resistors, are the right cross to Caddock's MG series resistors such as MG655, MG660, MG710, MG721.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd.'s RG series resistors are also the right cross to PPR's HV1/4,HV1/2,HV1,HV2,HV3.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd.'s RG series resistors that are equivalent to HYMEG's HA series HA-55,HA-60,HA-65,HA-70 and TEPRO's TVH series TVH.25,TVH.5,TVH.75.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. makes RG series resistors that are the good replacement for IRC's CGH series CGH-1/4, CGH-1/2, CGH1, RG07, RG20. and OHMITE's MOX seires MOX200,MOX300 as well as EBG's RSX1/10 and OGP13.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. 's RG74 series had been approved by RHEINLAND and got the TÜV certificate in 2009.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. makes RG series metal glaze film resistors that are special designed for ultra high working voltage or pulse or surge circumstance where reliability under ultra high working voltage or pulse voltage or surge voltage is requested. The RG series metal glaze film resistors designed and made in our factory can be inductance-free below working frequency of 150M Hz to 200M Hz. It is a great development in non-inductance resistors in ultra high resistance up to 100M Ohm.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd.'s RG series resistors are the right cross to Vishay's VR25, VR37, VR68 series resistors, are the right cross to Caddock's MG series resistors such as MG655, MG660, MG710, MG721.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd.'s RG series resistors are also the right cross to PPR's HV1/4,HV1/2,HV1,HV2,HV3.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. 's RG series resistors that are equivalent to HYMEG's HA series HA-55,HA-60,HA-65,HA-70 and TEPRO's TVH series TVH.25,TVH.5,TVH.75.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. makes RG series resistors that are the good replacement for IRC's CGH series CGH-1/4, CGH-1/2, CGH1, RG07, RG20. and OHMITE's MOX seires MOX200,MOX300 as well as EBG's RSX1/10 and OGP13.
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd.'s RG74 series had been approved by RHEINLAND and got the TÜV certificate in 2009.